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Beginners Guide To Satellites (Part Two)

Satellite Tracking In Part One of this series, we introduced some of the basics regarding the types of satellite. If you’ve made it to this part, I’m going to assume that you’re interested enough to start working them! Unless you are only going to access the QO-100 geostationary satellite, you’ll need to know what time they will be available to you, and where in the… Read More »Beginners Guide To Satellites (Part Two)

Beginners Guide To Satellites (Part One)

Overview After 35 years away from the hobby, I returned to find that the world of amateur radio had changed significantly. I knew I wanted to make the most of the VHF/UHF bands and was surprised to find that what had once been very active, was now quiet and under-utilised. That is except for contest evenings! Still, I was disappointed but looked forward to working… Read More »Beginners Guide To Satellites (Part One)