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The (tr)uSDX

After some initial hesitation, due to negative feedback from some of the club members, I have decided to build a small HF QRP transceiver called the (tr)uSDX. I won’t go into the history of where the design came from (there are plenty of posts on the internet already) but the official kit, as endorsed by DL2MAN, can be purchased on AliExpress here (affilliated link).

The kit arrived to my UK QTH this morning (in less than a week) well packaged and ready to build.

I set about to methodically build out the boards following the instructions on DL2MAN’s website. This was a straightforward process even for a novice electrical engineer.

As I had purchased the kit without the case, I downloaded the STLs from DL2MAN’s site and 3D printed the case myself.

First cut of the 3D printed lid – not particularly good.

I then simply plugged the main board and the RF board together, connected an aerial, applied power, and…. no smoke, phew!

(tr)uSDX on the air

Well it worked and stations could be heard, even though the internal speaker is really only useable in emergencies. I can confirm that using headphones or, even better, audio over the USB port is a huge improvement on the ears.

Since building, I have been using the (tr)uSDX as a digital modes HF transceiver mainly for VarAC which has been very successful. Even running 0.5W (USB powered) I have made contacts into Germany with full, two-way conversations over VarAC. My CW transmitting has been heard worldwide on various powers from 0.5W to 5W. I’m sure this will be a great little transceiver for the field and will be really good when I am more confident with CW.

An indication of size