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  • Portadyne Universal radio from 1953
  • Filter under test with frequency response shown in the background.
  • The uSDX+ transceiver used on 40m to make contacts on LSB at Will's Neck.
  • Portable gear for club out-and-about day
  • TORC zoom meeting 8 Oct 2020

About the Club

The Online Radio Club (MX0ONL) was formed in 2018 to promote all aspects of radio activities, especially for those unable to meet regularly at a specific physical location (hence “online”).  There is no prejudice about the use of amateur radio with members active and interested in a wide range of aspects about our hobby.

Radio at its heart is about ‘communicating at a distance’ and our shared hobby of amateur radio links like-minded operators across distances using this profound technology.  Yet, radio clubs remain a traditional forum of gatherings, presentations and social meet-ups to talk “radio” in the same physical place.  It’s ironic for the need to be physically face-to-face to talk about “communicating at a distance”!

This reliance on bringing together club members physically can limit attendances, participation and availability of club members, who may want to take part in conversation “off the bands” but are farther afield.  We feel it is possible to offer an inclusive and vibrant forum for radio amateurs online with many of the traditional benefits of radio clubs with the ease that modern technology offers.

The club meets on a Friday evening from 1930-2100 (UK times).  We use the video conference capabilities of Discord to host the meeting and to hold moderated club discussions on various aspects of the hobby. For convenience, the link to join the meeting on the top right-hand corner of the Club website will take you directly to the meeting.

The meeting usually takes the following format:

  • Round table of news and activities since the previous meeting
  • Any important information needed to be shared
  • Presentations/talks/discussions on pre-announced topics
  • Any other business

Aspects of amateur radio sometimes discussed and presented include (but are not limited to):

Anyone interested in amateur radio are welcome.  If you would like to join us on a club evening and have not yet joined a session, please email asking to be added to the session.  We will require your name, callsign (if licensed), email address and any other information you might like to raise. Information including the club’s constitution, rules of conduct and fee structure can be found here.

We look forward to meeting you either on a club night or on the air!

Andy M0VVA
Chairman, The Online Radio Club MX0ONL